A Diamond in the Rough is a memoir describing my journey and the many trials, tribulations and uncertainties of life, through psychological toughness I have survived. I have also challenged myself to learn more about my diagnoses of post-traumatic stress syndrome while remaining competitive, fully committing myself to every activity I’ve been involved in, which gives me great feelings of control and sanity.
Writing this book has been very therapeutic and has provided another level of healing by challenging me to uncover things that hindered and kept me mentally trapped and bound. It’s an emotional journey filled with useful jewels.
My ultimate goal in life is to be a better me and use my experiences, backed by my education, to provide mental and moral support to another. Whether near or far, readers will hopefully be motivated and inspired by the sharing of my story.
Order your personally signed copy below. Audiobook also available on ITunes, IBook, Audible and Amazon.

$20.00 (includes inscription, shipping and handling)
Header photo taken by Ben James @ https://www.photographybybobjames.com